
Rasheed’s Bourbon Glazed Pork Chops | MEATER

You know when you smell something so delicious, you start drooling? Or is that just us? If it hasn’t happened to you before, Rasheed’s pork chops recipe will do it. Get ready for mouthwatering, bourbon glazed, droolworthy pork chops. 🤤 Pair these pork chops with the perfect Old Fashioned.


  • 4 double bone-in pork chops
  • Four Roses Kentucky Bourbon (or your choice of Bourbon)
  • The Slabfather Pork Rub (or your favorite pork rub)
  • Applewood smoked sea salt
  • Black pepper
  • Brown sugar
  • Avocado oil

Glaze Ingredients:

  • 6-8 oz of bourbon
  • 1½ cup of chicken stock
  • ½ cup of brown sugar
  • Green onion (chopped)
  • Granulated or minced garlic 
  • The Slabfather Pork Rub (or your personal favorite pork rub)
  • Salt and pepper


  • 145°F – juicy doneness


  • MEATER Block
  • Smoker
  • Saucepan

1. It’s GO time! Set your smoker to 400°F so that when you open the lid and lose some heat, you get down to 350°F, which is where you want to be. While that’s heating up, get your pork chop seasoning all ready! In a bowl, combine black pepper, pork rub, smoked applewood sea salt, and a bit of brown sugar. Be careful not to put too much brown sugar, or it’ll burn and leave a bitter taste.

2. Now drizzle avocado oil on the pork chops and rub-a-dub all over, be sure to coat the entire cut. The oil will act as a binder for the seasoning so that we don’t lose any flava.

3. Next, score each fat cap by making light cross-hatches with a sharp knife. This technique doesn’t just look pretty, it also helps render the fat and allows the meat to absorb even more flava!

4. Speaking of flava, apply a generous amount of the rub you mixed earlier onto each side of the pork chops. Don’t be shy! The more, the better (at least in this case).

5. Once that is done, insert one probe into each pork chop. Make sure you insert the probes past the safety notch line, and in the center of the thickest portion. Then it’s time to set up the cook in the app! We recommend an internal target temperature of 145°F because it will result in a juicy pork chop, but you can always adjust this to your desire. Place the pork chops in the smoker, and cook at 350°F.

6. While the pork chops are smokin’, it’s time for alcohol, our favorite part! In a saucepan on low-heat, combine 6-8 oz of your favorite bourbon, 1½ cup of chicken stock, ½ cup of brown sugar, green onion, granulated or minced garlic, salt and pepper, and pork rub. Continuously stir until you reach a syrup-like consistency, but don’t stir too fast! Test the consistency by coating the back of a spoon with the glaze. If it’s too runny, keep stirring!

7. Once MEATER notifies you to remove the pork chops from heat, it’s time to rest the meats onto a wooden cutting board or resting rack.

8. Once resting is complete, remove the probes from each cut carefully. Next, coat each pork chop with the bourbon glaze! After you’re done, you can put the pork chops back into the grill for 1-2 minutes for an even nicer glaze.

9. Garnish with chopped green onion and, finally, it is time to put some pork on your fork! If you have any extra bourbon left, this would also be a great time to make yourself an Old Fashioned. 😉 IN FACT, you can follow our very own Old Fashioned recipe here. Happy eating and dranking.

Tags : best pork chop recipebourbon glazepork chopPork recipeRasheed Philips